Books of the Bible/Excellence in Ministry: Finishing Well—Doing What's Best in the Challenges of Ministry—A Study of 1 Timothy 4–6 - A Signature Series - CD

Excellence in Ministry: Finishing Well—Doing What's Best in the Challenges of Ministry—A Study of 1 Timothy 4–6 - A Signature Series - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

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A Study of 1 Timothy 4–6

Ministry is hard—and not for the thin-skinned or fainthearted. It seems to call for the longevity of Methuselah, the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, the tenacity of Paul, and the compassion of Jesus.

Easy, right?

Thankfully, Chuck Swindoll's series, Excellence in Ministry: Finishing Well—Doing What's Best in the Challenges of Ministry is just the thing to help us navigate the difficulties of ministry. In this series, Chuck provides answers and instructions on confronting false teaching, maintaining a godly lifestyle, meeting the needs of people, and disciplining and encouraging leaders.

CD Series of 10 messages with 156-page Bible Companion

Note: For the MP3 version visit this page.

Messages in this series:

  1. Ministering Amidst the Crazies
  2. The Dos and Don’ts of Ministry
  3. Respecting and Rebuking the Saints
  4. What about Widows?
  5. A Prescription for Pastoral Health
  6. Responding Correctly to Authority
  7. Contentment . . . and How to Miss It
  8. Clear Commandments of Godliness
  9. A Treasure Worth Guarding
  10. Let’s Evaluate Your Ministry: A Review of 1 Timothy
Related Series Resources

See the complete list of resources for this series:
Excellence in Ministry: Finishing Well—Doing What's Best in the Challenges of Ministry—A Study of 1 Timothy 4–6

Excellence in Ministry, Vol. 2: Finishing Well