Zephaniah/Zephaniah: Bright Light in a Dark Day - CD

Zephaniah: Bright Light in a Dark Day - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

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A Survey of Zephaniah

The men who spoke for God during the centuries before Christ were remarkable mixtures of severity and compassion. These prophets were among the most respected (and yet hated) people of their times. Such was Zephaniah, a prophet who was a descendant of the royal line of David and probably had greater influence on King Josiah than either Nahum or Jeremiah. It is impressive that Zephaniah did not compromise his convictions even though he had access to the king. In the first major section of Zephaniah's book, with a simple yet forceful style, he announced sure judgment; then, in the second section, he tenderly prophesied that God would send relief and His best blessings on His people. Through it all, Zephaniah emerged as a choice prophet in a long line of tough-and-tender men.

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