Theology/Handling the Scriptures Accurately - CD

Handling the Scriptures Accurately - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

“You can prove anything you want from the Bible!” Have you ever heard someone say that? Probably. For the most part, it’s true! If a person really wants to find biblical justification for some belief or action—and if he or she is willing to quote half-verses, rip passages out of context, and twist the meaning of words—then that person can “prove” just about anything from the Bible. We need to develop good habits and cultivate correct methods of handling the Word of God so that we can avoid engaging in or falling victim to spiritual abuse. We’ll also become better students, interpreters, and appliers of Scripture.

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See the complete list of resources for this series:
Practical Christian Living: A Road Map to Spiritual Growth

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Handling the Scriptures Accurately