Matthew/Simple Faith: Discovering What Really Matters (Arabic Version)

Simple Faith: Discovering What Really Matters (Arabic Version)

Charles R. Swindoll

The exhausting pace of many who run the Christian race leaves them feeling frenzied and frazzled. But is that really the life promised by the Prince of Peace? Is that what Jesus meant when He said, “I will give you rest”? Do you sometimes feel that you’re trapped in some sort of Christianized rat race?

Simple Faith invites you to free yourself from the tedious demands of the “Christian” obstacle course and return to the life of hope, grace, and rest that Christ has always offered. Dispelling the myth that maturity means bowing to the never-ending requirements of rule-oriented religion, Charles R. Swindoll calls you back to the simplicity of the Sermon on the Mount. Now available in Arabic!

305-page softcover book

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