Lamentations/Lamentations: Jeremiah's Journal of Woes - A Signature Series - CD

Lamentations: Jeremiah's Journal of Woes - A Signature Series - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

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A small book that few have stopped to read hides in the folds of the Old Testament: Lamentations. This book is the prophet Jeremiah’s heartbroken lament after God judged the Jews for their unrepentant sin. On pages stained with tears, the weeping prophet described in graphic detail the devastation after Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians.

Jeremiah’s journal of woes stands as a sober testimonial that sin, despite its allurement, carries with it the heavy weights of sorrow, grief, misery, barrenness, and pain. It is Jeremiah’s grim, bold declaration that a holy God will not remain silent forever when His people disobey Him.

Lamentations is also a book of hope. From the rubble of Jerusalem’s judgment, the promise of restoration rises like the morning sun over the eastern hills. God’s mercies shine new every morning. Great is His faithfulness toward those who cry out to Him in their lament and seek Him through their sorrows.

CD Series of 8 messages

Note: For the MP3 version visit this page.

Messages in this series:

  1. As the Prophet Laments, We Reflect
  2. The Influence of One Devoted Parent
  3. Jeremiah’s Journal of Woes
  4. None but the Lonely Heart
  5. Coming to Terms with God’s Wrath
  6. What to Remember When You Hit Bottom
  7. Ugly Scenes of Utter Humiliation
  8. Jeremiah’s Mournful Swan Song
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Lamentations: Jeremiah’s Journal of Woes

Lamentations: Jeremiah's Journal of Woes