Charles R. Swindoll
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Romans 1:1–13
Familiar terms sometimes carry unfamiliar meanings. Take the term gospel. We Christians have heard (and used) this term often. We refer to loving the gospel, giving the gospel, spreading the gospel, and believing the gospel. We have gospel churches, gospel messages, gospel hymns, gospel ministries, and gospel crusades. Pastors are officially known as ministers of the gospel, and missionaries take the gospel abroad. But can you define the word? And where does it come from? How could Paul say he was “set apart for the gospel” (Romans 1:1)? Are all Christians “set apart” or just a few spiritual leaders? As we get underway in our study of the letter to the Romans, let’s get a good grasp of this term as well as its importance to our faith.
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Insights on Romans: The Christian’s Constitution, Volume 1