Habakkuk/God's Masterwork, Volume 4: An Invitation to Return—A Survey of Hosea–Malachi - Classic Series - CD version

God's Masterwork, Volume 4: An Invitation to Return—A Survey of Hosea–Malachi - Classic Series - CD version

Charles R. Swindoll

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It’s time to open a section of your Bible that rarely sees the light of day.

Many people who read the Old Testament finish Daniel and skip over the next twelve books on their way to the New Testament. What a loss! The Minor Prophets deal with some major life issues: adultery, grudges, pride, disobedience, and injustice—just to name a few! When sin clouds your vision and you’re in need of a clear perspective, these lesser-known prophets offer a wealth of wisdom. In this fourth volume of the God’s Masterwork Series, Chuck Swindoll explains the practical, and often overlooked, applications found in the Minor Prophets.

CD Series of 12 messages

Note: For the MP3 version visit this page.

Messages in this series:

  1. Hosea: Love That Never Dies
  2. Joel: Preparing for the Day of the Lord
  3. Amos: From Fig-Picker to Prophet-Preacher
  4. Obadiah: Strong Warning to the Proud
  5. Jonah: The Prodigal Prophet
  6. Micah: Advocate for the Poor
  7. Nahum: The Consequences of Negligence
  8. Habakkuk: Wrestling, Waiting, Praying, Praising
  9. Zephaniah: Bright Light in a Dark Day
  10. Haggai: Persuasive Prophet of Priorities
  11. Zechariah: Man of Vision and Faith
  12. Malachi: Last Call before Silence
Related Series Resources

See the complete list of resources for this series:
God's Masterwork, Volume 4: An Invitation to Return—A Survey of Hosea–Malachi

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