Haggai: Persuasive Prophet of Priorities - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

A Survey of Haggai

The prophet Haggai is unique for two reasons: (1) he is the only person in all the Old Testament with the name Haggai; and (2) his is the only book in all the Bible containing only two chapters. But much more important, Haggai was God's spokesman sent to awaken and arouse the post-captivity Jews from their lethargy. He, with determined focus, pursued one major goal: to complete the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. He was a “get-it-done” leader, a highly motivated man who attacked indifference as the enemy it was. Haggai (and later Zechariah) was used by the Lord to afflict the comfortable, convincing them there was no excuse for delay. As all of us realize, Haggai's message is greatly needed in our me-first day of selfishness and indolence.

Individual message on CD or MP3

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Haggai: Persuasive Prophet of Priorities