Forgiveness/God's Desire, Man's Debt, Christ's Payment - CD

God's Desire, Man's Debt, Christ's Payment - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

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1 Timothy 2:3–7

It's easy to forget foundational truths. We are so familiar with them, we tend to take them for granted. This is especially true of salvation. Some of us have walked with Christ for so long the joy of our salvation wanes more than it waxes. It's not that we're ungrateful; it's just that we're forgetful. In the work-a-day world of daily life, it's simple to overlook the significance of the gospel. Paul, of course, never did, and in this section of 1 Timothy—one of the most practical and clearest presentations of the gospel in the New Testament—he challenges us to open our eyes and our hearts, once again, to its wonder.

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