Easter/Cries from the Cross: A Journey Into the Heart of Jesus –by Erwin W. Lutzer

Cries from the Cross: A Journey Into the Heart of Jesus –by Erwin W. Lutzer

Erwin Lutzer

To stand at the foot of the cross is to witness the purpose for which God created the world.

Before the cross we can only stand with bowed heads and a broken spirit. It is there that we see the attributes of God on display; and if we look carefully, we will see ourselves.

Inside the pages of Cries from the Cross, Erwin Lutzer challenges each one of us to embrace the cross not just as our means of salvation, but as a way of living. You'll discover that the part of the cross we refuse to carry is the part that makes us ineffective for the kingdom of God. The lighter our cross, the weaker our witness.

Cries from the Cross is written with the conviction that the better we grasp what the cross meant to Christ, the better we will understand what the cross should mean to us.

162-page hardcover book

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