Easter/A Living Hope - CD Series

A Living Hope - CD Series

Charles R. Swindoll

We can navigate the placid waters of life one moment and get tossed by the storms of trials and tribulations the next. That's why we need hope. Hope illumines and warms our souls on cold, dark days. Hope is a lighthouse when we're storm tossed.

In this three-part audio series, be inspired by our eternal Hope—Jesus—through the soaring musical sounds presented by the Stonebriar Community Church sanctuary choir and orchestra along with the always winsome and grace-filled messages from Chuck Swindoll. Learn how the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and that transformed a gruff fisherman like Peter into the eloquent “Rock” of the church energizes us to let our lights brilliantly shine with hope for a dark world.

CD Series of 2 messages and 1 concert

Messages in this series:

  1. When God Untied the Death Ropes
  2. Marching Orders from the Master

Musical Tracks on the messages

  1. Christ Is Risen
  2. Fanfare and Hymn for Easter Morning
  3. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
  4. Arise
  5. Come, Rejoice This Resurrection Day
  6. Holy is He

Hope: A Live Concert Event

  1. TRACK 1: Lead On O King Eternal (3:31)
  2. TRACK 2: Welcome and Prayer (3:58)
  3. TRACK 3: The Lord Is My Light (5:04)
  4. TRACK 4: Still, My Soul, Be Still (4:18)
  5. TRACK 5: The Perfect Wisdom of Our God (2:58)
  6. TRACK 6: Narration—Chuck Swindoll (7:24)
  7. TRACK 7: Those Who Wait on the Lord (4:55)
  8. TRACK 8: In Christ Alone (3:20)
  9. TRACK 9: It Is Well with My Soul (2:38)
  10. TRACK 10: The Lord Bless You and Keep You (2:42)
  11. TRACK 11: Narration—Chuck Swindoll (6:43)
  12. TRACK 12: The Solid Rock (3:41)
  13. TRACK 13: My Help (6:48)
  14. TRACK 14: Closing Remarks (8:44)
  15. TRACK 15: Psalm XLVI (4:52)

Download the Lyric booklet for the entire Hope Concert and the lyric cards for for the music on the messages When God Untied the Death Ropes and Marching Orders from the Master.

NOTE: If this item will be shipped to you, there may be a delay in shipping your order and your order may arrive in separate shipments.

A Living Hope