Christmas Music/All Is Well: Our Magnificent Savior Is Born - Christmas Music CD

All Is Well: Our Magnificent Savior Is Born - Christmas Music CD

Charles R. Swindoll, Stonebriar Community Church Choir & Orchestra

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We all want to be well—in every sense of the word. And yet, the struggle with sin remains. Each year at Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the Savior whose gift of salvation promises to make us well once and for all. As you listen to the songs from this Christmas concert performed by the Stonebriar Community Church choir and orchestra—as well as the introduction by Chuck Swindoll—remember the Savior, in light of whose gift we can truly say, all is well.

16 songs on CD

  1. Welcoming Words from Chuck Swindoll (6:00)
  2. All Is Well (1:26)
  3. The Promise (5:29)
  4. Sing Noel, Sing Hallelujah (4:15)
  5. Still, Still, Still (5:33)
  6. I Wonder As I Wander (3:22)
  7. Angels We Have Heard on High (5:06)
  8. Don McMinn Introduces Sing-along (:35)
  9. Joy to the World (1:19)
  10. What Child Is This?(1:41)
  11. The First Noel(1:58)
  12. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (2:06)
  13. Sussex Carol (2:38)
  14. Mary, Did You Know?(4:38)
  15. Troika (2:26)
  16. One Small Child (5:09)
  17. Parting Thoughts from Don McMinn (4:04)
  18. Son of God (4:26)
  19. Organ Postlude

Note: For the MP3 version visit this page.

All Is Well: Our Magnificent Savior Is Born (Music)