Biblical Parenting/The Bents in Your Baby - CD

The Bents in Your Baby - CD

Charles R. Swindoll

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One of the frequently repeated mistakes parents make is thinking that when they have a baby, the infant comes to them like a soft piece of clay. Most parents believe their child can be easily shaped into what they think is best for him or her—and since they (the parents) believe they know what's best, they train the child in the way they are convinced he or she should go.

It isn't too many years before the fight is on! As time passes, the struggle only intensifies, and the battle with the child's will becomes more difficult. When this occurs, conflicts in the home abound and frustrations mount. And then, before mom and dad are ready for it—those inevitable teenage years arrive, introducing challenges that border the unbearable!

What's wrong? What's missing from this domestic equation? Why is the ongoing battle so difficult? Not only is that child determined to go in another direction from the parent's desire, the rebellion persists no matter how hard they try to deal with it. The problem boils down to the natural “bents” in every baby.

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Biblical Parenting

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