The Finishing Touch: Becoming God's Masterpiece

Charles R. Swindoll

In this daily devotional book, Charles Swindoll challenges today's I'm-getting-tired-so-let's-just-quit mentality. He says, “What we don't hear about is finishing well. About sticking with something until it is done.”

God wants to touch us and be our strength in the struggle. He wants us to finish what we started and complete the course. The Finishing Touch takes you through every day of a year, introducing you to God's touches of grace, joy, and love. As a sculptor keeps chipping and cutting away to reveal the masterpiece within, so the Master Artist wants to use our trials, hard times, and day-to-day struggles to chip away at our faults and to help us discover the potential treasures within us.

Daily devotionals for 52 weeks help you learn how God's touch on your life enables you to run the race to the finish to the honor and glory of the Master who has called you to be more than you think you can be.

640-page softcover book

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