Counseling Insights/Counseling Insights: Personal Issues

Counseling Insights: Personal Issues

Insight for Living Ministries

Purchased PDF sets are available to download as a single .zip file that includes all the PDF documents from the set.

Suffering in Silence

Many people toil alone with deeply personal problems. But God wants these issues to see the light of day! He didn’t design us to get through life alone. Counseling Insights: Personal Issues provides biblical guidance on a number of personal struggles. Learn how to counsel those dealing with eating disorders, debt, addictions, and more.

This section includes 20 chapters:

  1. Aging and Retirement: Finishing with a Flourish
  2. Compulsive Gambling: When Everyone Loses
  3. Crisis Counseling: Giving Emotional and Spiritual Guidance to Those in Crisis
  4. Disability: Applying God’s Unlimited Love to Human Limitations
  5. Eating Disorders: Finding Healing for Unhealthy Eating Patterns
  6. Finances: Applying Biblical Principles for Financial Stability
  7. Homosexuality: Realigning Gender according to Biblical Principles
  8. Loneliness: Finding Companionship in God’s Presence
  9. Major Mental Disorders: Ministering to the Exceptionally Troubled
  10. Midlife Crisis: Looking at Life’s Passages through the Prism of God’s Truth
  11. Self-Concept: Seeing Oneself through the Lens of God’s Grace
  12. Sexual Addiction: Understanding God’s Grace in Breaking the Cycle of Sexual Sin
  13. Single Adult Issues: Finding New Joy in Undivided Devotion to God
  14. Stress Management: Experiencing Rest When Life Unravels
  15. Substance Abuse: Learning to Face Life with Hope That Comes from God
  16. Suicide: Preventing the Tragedy and Grieving Its Aftermath
  17. Trials and Suffering: Loving God When You Can’t Love Life
  18. Unemployment: Offering Encouragement and Hope for Those between Jobs
  19. Unplanned Pregnancy: Offering Guidance to Expectant Mothers
  20. Workaholism: Filling Emotional Needs with God’s Grace instead of Work

(Note: Chapters may also be purchased individually.)

More about Counseling Insights:

Life Is a Battle!

Pain and loss leave people wounded and searching. If you have the privilege of counseling others as they seek restoration, you need Counseling Insights! This resource provides biblical counseling principles on struggles many people face in their homes and churches, as well as in their personal and emotional lives. You’ll experience joy as God works through you!

Divided by sections—Marriage, Family, Christian Life, Personal Issues, and Emotional Issues—Counseling Insights will equip you to be a conduit of healing. In each section, you’ll find topical chapters containing:

  1. A case study
  2. Sample questions to consider as you learn about the counselee
  3. A biblical assessment of the specific problem
  4. Relevant Scripture
  5. Practical ideas to help the counselee through the correction, healing, and restoration process in an easy to follow and understand format

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